Saturday, November 2, 2013

Day 19: Vienna, Austria; 維也納, 奧地利.

I had a special tour guide today. Meet Tito, I met him at Home Hostel in Lisbon and he currently lives in Vienna. He took me to lunch and showed me the attractions that are not yet being discovered by the tourists.

Thank you for everything Tito! 

今天有一個特別的導遊, 他的名字叫 Tito. 我在里斯本的青年旅館認識他的. 他現在住在維也納. 他今天帶我去吃了午餐也帶我去看一些私人景點.

We started my day with a bowl of beef pho.

One of the major landmark of Vienna - Wiener Riesenrad.

It's located at the entrance of Prater amusement park.

Yup. This is the entrance with my big backpacks.

We wanted to walk on the pedestrian bridge (The one with the yellow structure) but it's closed for some reason.
原本計劃要走黃色那座橋的, 但是不知道為什麼今天沒有開放? (可能今天假日吧)

It's okay, I will save it for next time.

Vienna DC

Millennium Tower with Donau.

United Nations office at Vienna.

This is the headquarter of International Atomic Energy Agency.

This is the Oldest Church of Vienna - St. Rupert's Church.

The government offered the walls for people to do graffiti so they can leave the public transports alone. I guess mutual respect works since the metro is so clean with no graffitis.
維也納政府釋出善意給了這些塗鴉畫家. 他們在河堤有一段空間可以讓他們坐畫, 只要他們不要在交通工具上塗鴉. 我猜這政策非常成功因為地鐵幾乎看不到塗鴉!

There's a person working on his project.
有看到嗎? 有人光明正大的在完成他的作品.

There are some cool graffitis.  

The metro is very clean. No trash or graffiti.
維也納的捷運非常乾淨. 沒有垃圾也沒有塗鴉.

Thank you for the great tour Tito, I get to see things that I was not able to see. And thank you for the lunch! Let me know if you are in San Francisco! It will be my turn to treat you lunch! Best of luck and take care.
謝謝 Tito 當今天的地陪. 如果沒有他就看不到這些景點了! 如果你來舊金跟我說一聲, 輪我請你吃午餐! 祝福你一切順利.

After the tour with Tito, I was at the train station waiting for my train to Prague.

Here's my train!

The paper means reservation of the spot. I have #61.
在門上的紙代表有人訂位了. 今天坐 61 號.

This is the restaurant on the train. 

I was hungry so I decided to eat a good, healthy omelet.

I am at Prague now!

One of the traditional Czech dishes - duck. It's really good! They designed/invented the dishes based on the beer they drink.
捷克的傳統菜色之一 - 鴨肉. 很好吃! 捷克人都是喝酒之後才有煮飯的靈感. 大部份菜色都適合當下酒菜.

Beef tartare. Raw beef with toasted bread. You put the garlic on the bread first then you apply the beef tartare on top of the bread.
生牛肉配烤麵包. 首先先把大蒜塗在麵包上,  之後再把生牛肉放在麵包上. 人間美味.

After a great dinner, time to go to sleep and we will see what Prague can offer tomorrow!

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