Today is the first day in Luxembourg. Since the city is very small and I don't think there's a walking tour, I walked around the city with my new friend, Claudia.
今天是第一天在盧森堡, 盧森堡市是一個非常小的都市所以一日遊剛剛好! 這裡好像沒有免費的 walking tour 所以跟青旅認識的新朋友 Claudia 一起走行程.
This is the only hostel in Luxembourg City, it's a youth hostel.
這是盧森堡市唯一的青旅. 而且是真的青年旅館. 只是裡面還是有"大哥哥"們住.
Time to start my day! There will be a lot of hiking and walking since the city is like a fortress.
準備開始今天的行程! 今天會走很多路, 爬很多坡. 盧森堡市就像是一個大堡壘, 很多的老城牆.
View from the bridge.
It looks like I am living in a fortress.
The weather was not great but the view is still good. The train rides on a really tall bridge.
今天天氣不是很好, 但是風景還是很美. 火車鐵軌在一條很高的橋上.
There are constantly trains passing by. I wonder if that's the scenic train?
時常會看到火車經過這條橋. 不知道是不是傳說中的觀光火車?
A very quiet city. I don't see a lot of people here.
非常寧靜的一個城市. 我好少看到路人.
My hostel is under the bridge.
Notre Dame at Luxembourg City.
Gelle Fra (The Monument of Remembrance).
Europe is preparing for Christmas Market already! It feels weird for me since we haven't celebrate thanksgiving in the States yet.
歐洲每個城市都在準備過聖誕了! 我看到的時候都感覺怪怪的因為我還沒有吃到感恩節的火雞.
Pont Adolphe. It connects the new and old town.
雅道爾夫橋. 這座老橋連結了新城和舊城.
Another pro shot - 3 attractions in one picture (Christmas Market, Gelle Fra, and Notre Dame). Below that it's an old fort I with canons think.
一張照有三個景點 (聖誕市場, Gelle Fra, 聖母教堂). 這三個景點下面是一個老舊的堡壘, 裡面有大砲.
One of the Square in Luxembourg City.
Grand Ducal Palace
Lunch - roast beef and bacon sandwich.
今日午餐 - 腌牛肉加培根三明治.
The fortress. Can you see the "windows"?
這也是老碉堡. 有看到 "窗戶" 嗎?
Walked down the old fortress walls and enjoy the nice walk in the valley.
爬下城牆, 在下面享受風景.
Very tall bridge.
I spot someone cleaning the gutter. He was really nice and said hello to me.
發現有人在清屋頂的排水溝. 他人很友善, 在那麼高還跟我打招呼.
Second-hand food and drinks?! I wonder what kind of food and drinks they sell?! I think this is a second-hand shop with food and drinks.
這招牌寫著: 二手食物和飲料. 這是吃不完的再拿來繼續賣嗎?! 結果裡面好像是賣二手用品加上裡面有賣吃的和喝的?
Luxembourg City is really pretty with a lot of small alley ways. I wonder where all the people are?
盧森堡市非常的漂亮, 很多不同的街景和小巷子. 只是人都到哪去了?
Old fortress remains.
More fortress.
We even walked in the small forest near the river for a little bit!
This is a street with at least 6 bars. But nothing is open at the moment.
這條街有至少六間酒吧. 但是目前沒半間是開的.
We were thirsty after a long walk so we decided to drink a beer at a small bar that's open. This is only 2.50 Euros!
今天走了蠻多路的, 所以決定前往酒吧補充點水分. 這杯啤酒只要 2.50 歐元!
Our receptionist and Claudia's friend recommend us a restaurant with traditional Luxembourg food but it's not open until 7:00pm. So we visited another bar.
今天的晚餐是青旅和 Claudia 的朋友介紹的, 可以吃到道地的盧森堡菜. 結果餐廳 7:00 才開, 只好先去喝杯啤酒了.
It's always good to stay in a warm bar with a nice cold beer.
今天特別冷, 而且晚上開始下雨了. 能待在溫暖的酒吧喝冰涼的啤酒真開心!
This is the restaurant!
前菜餐廳請的. 感覺像番茄塔塔.
This is what I got - chicken with traditional mushroom sauce, it also comes with fries as well.
這是我叫的傳統盧森堡菜 - 雞肉配上傳統香菇醬, 還有沙拉, 薯條.
This is what Claudia got - Pork with beans. We shared our meal so we can taste different dishes.
這是 Claudia 叫的 - 豬肉加上豆子. 我們一起分這兩道菜所以可以試試兩種不同味道!
Night view of Luxembourg City - the old town. It's too cold so I am heading back to the hostel! Heading to the last stop of my journey - Paris tomorrow.
盧森堡舊城夜景. 現在外面又濕又冷所以先回青旅囉! 明天就要去最後一站 - 巴黎了.
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