Friday, November 15, 2013

Day 31, 32: Amsterdam, Netherlands Day 0, day 1; 阿姆斯特丹, 荷蘭.

This post contains 2 days of blog because I barely took any pictures. I arrived at Amsterdam around 6pm so I did not do much. After settling down at the hostel I joined a walking tour to the red light district. It was raining hard on the second day so I had to hide my camera in the backpack. I will take some more pictures to show you Amsterdam.

今天的部落格是兩天份. 第一天是從柏林出發到阿姆斯特丹. 車程一共六個小時. 到阿姆斯特丹時已經晚上六點了所以幾乎沒有做到什麼事情. 到青旅安頓好之後跟著青旅的紅燈區團到紅燈區開眼界. 第二天加入了 walking tour, 昨天雨下很大所以沒有辦法拍照. 今天天氣變好了所以會補上一些風景照.

The weather is getting better! I hope it will stay like this for the rest of the week. But it still rained on the second day.
目前看起來荷蘭應該是好天氣! 希望可以繼續保持下去. 結果第二天還是下雨了.

Amsterdam Central Station.

Dinner - the coolest fast food in Amsterdam.
前天的晚餐, 應該是阿姆斯特丹最酷的速食店了吧.

You can choose what you want at the machine.

They have at least 8 selections to choose from.

I got a chicken sandwich.
選了一個雞三明治. 味道還可以.

This is second part of dinner - Fries with ketchup and mayo. People told me I have to try this when I get to Amsterdam.
第二部份的晚餐 - 薯條加番茄醬和蛋黃醬.

I ordered small. But it's gigantic that I could not finish it.
我只叫小份的試一下味道, 結果份量還是好多.

I feel like Amsterdam is the heaven for food.
阿姆斯特丹的食物好棒. 都是我喜歡的.

After dinner, I met up with the tour guide to start the Red Light District tour. I did not take any pictures because the ladies are on duty already and they don't like people take pictures of them. If I swing by I today I will take a picture of the street view.
吃完晚餐之後, 我走到了市中心跟我們的導遊會合. 我在紅燈區時沒有拍任何的照. 晚上時女生們都上工了.  據說只要拍他們的照就會被潑尿?! 如果今天有路過紅燈區的話我再拍街景吧.

The Red Light District tour is nice and informative. We learned about the history of the district.
紅燈區 tour 其實蠻不錯的. 我們了解了它的歷史.

Second day. I joined the walking tour and the weather was not good. It's raining most of the time.
第二天. 我參加了 walking tour 但是天氣非常的差. 我們大部份的時間都在淋雨.

This is the walking tour. We walked thorough the entire downtown but too bad it was raining so I did not take many pictures. The person on the bottom right is our tour guide, Alexander. He is a native from Amsterdam. He was a great tour guide but I did not pay much attention because it is too cold and wet.
這是 walking tour, 我們的導遊是右下方的. 他叫 Alexander, 阿姆斯特丹在地人. 他是一個非常敬業的導遊, 告訴我們許多阿姆斯特丹的特色和歷史. 但是天氣太冷了所以我沒有注意聽.

Condom museum. 

This is a church in the middle of the Red Light District.

Rainy day in Amsterdam. I think this is Emperor's canal.
雨天的阿姆斯特丹. 這一條應該是國王運河.

Our coffee break. Got a free waffle cookie by ordering a medium drink.
中場休息. 點個中杯咖啡就送小餅乾.

Can you see a narrow house in the middle? It is the narrowest house in Amsterdam.
有看到夾在中間的小房子嗎? 這是阿姆斯特丹最窄的房子!

Anne Frank's family used to work here. It's right next to Anne Frank museum.

Dinner for tonight - best burger in Amsterdam.
今天的晚餐. 阿姆斯特丹最好吃的漢堡.

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