Sunday, November 17, 2013

Day 34: Amsterdam, Netherlands; 阿姆斯特丹, 荷蘭.

Since the Internet is slow at the hostel in Brussels, I had to wait for the pictures to be uploaded. It took forever to upload the picture so I locked it at the locker and went out.
在布魯塞爾青旅的網路非常的慢, 所以這是昨天在阿姆斯特丹的部落格. 今天我把電腦鎖在 locker, 回來之後才上傳好.

This blog is for Day 3 in Amsterdam and today is also a commute day to Brussels, Belgium.
這是阿姆斯特丹的第三天, 也是前往布魯塞爾, 比利時的一天.
Walking around the city again before heading to Brussels, Belgium.
去布魯塞爾, 比利時之前再去市中心走一趟.

The houses are slanted if you can see it.
很多老房子是斜的. 看的出來嗎?

Trying the must eat in Amsterdam, Dutch pancake.
今天試試阿姆斯特丹必吃 - 荷蘭鬆餅.

You have to go downstairs to enter.

Inside view of the restaurant. The restaurant is located in the old warehouse.
餐廳內部. 這棟建築以前是間大倉庫.

A big bowl of syrup I think? I used the syrup in the bottle.
一大碗的糖漿? 我是用瓶裝的.

What I had - Apple and bacon pancake. Sounds weird huh? But it's taste awesome!
蘋果培根鬆餅. 聽起來很奇怪吧? 甜的跟鹹的怎麼能加在一起呢? 但是很好吃!

You can see big slices of apple and bacon.
豪邁的鬆餅. 大片蘋果和大片培根.

I found a cannon at the canal! Don't know what it's used for?
在運河中間發現了大砲. 不知道是用來防禦什麼的.

You can see a lot of these in Amsterdam's houses. It represented the characteristic of the previous owners. Now it's just a simple display.
在阿姆斯特丹的房子常常可以看見這些石碑. 這些石碑代表之前的屋主. 有一些是代表屋主的職業, 宗教信仰, 個人特色. 現在就只是街景藝術了.

One of the main street.

Amsterdam Centraal Station.

Inside view. It's an old station and it's currently under renovation. 
火車站內. 阿姆斯特丹中央車站非常老舊. 目前正在整修.

This is the train station for my hostel. It's 10 minutes away from the Amsterdam Centraal Station.
這是我青旅的火車站. 離中央車站十分鐘.

It's next to Deloitte. If you are reading the blog James, I was here!
我的青旅在 Deloitte 旁邊 (四大會計事務所). 照這張照片的原因是想給我一個美國的朋友看, 他在這邊工作.

My hostel, looks just like a hotel. But I think it actually is a hostel with dorm style selection. The overall service and cleanness is pretty good so I decided to stay with the same company in Brussels. But the location is not great, that's the catch.
我的青旅, 看起來跟飯店一模一樣. 其實好像就是飯店, 但是有宿舍選項可以選. 整體設施, 清潔都不錯所以布魯塞爾, 比利時也是住一樣的. 唯一缺點就是它的地點都不是太好. 都需要走路或是坐車通勤.

Pretty good hostel. I was in a room with 4 other girls. They came from Barcelona, Spain.
蠻不錯的青旅. 結果我昨晚跟四個女生同房. 他們來自巴賽隆那, 西班牙.

The common room/dining area/bar.
這是我們的餐廳, 酒吧, 和交流的地方.

Heading to Brussels now! I will have to transfer 2 times. The train was delayed so I hopped on another train.
要去布魯塞爾囉! 今天要換兩次車. 結果聽說阿姆斯特丹的火車常常誤點, 結果真的誤點了, 所以聽的車掌的建議, 跳上了另外一台火車.

This is the first stop. The train was delayed for 10 minutes.
這是第一站. 結果這邊火車還是誤點 10 分鐘.

While standing in the cold, I discovered that the station is pretty!
在等車的時候, 發現這車站其實蠻漂亮的!

My dessert - a nice sandwich from the train station.
我的小點心 - 火車站買的三明治.

This is Antwerp Station. A really big station with at least 25 platforms!
Antwerp 車站. 這個車站超級大,  至少有 25 個月台!

Old building with new structures.

There are 3 - 4 floors.
一共有 3 - 4 樓.

Heading to Brussels Central Station now. It will take another 45 minutes.
要去布魯塞爾中央車站了. 車程大約 45 分.

Finally arrived! All I have to do now is to find the hostel in the fog. I was lucky that I met 3 other people (2 from Japan, 1 from Mexico) who came from Amsterdam as well. So we had company in the cold weather.
終於到了! 現在唯一要做的就是找到青旅. 今天蠻幸運的. 在火車/火車站上遇到三個 (兩個日本人, 一個墨西哥人) 一樣從阿姆斯特丹要到布魯塞爾的背包客. 而且我們都要去同一個青旅!

Finally here! Another task, find my room in this gigantic hostel. It's just down the hall on the left actually.
終於到了! 最後一個任務, 從這間超大的青旅找到我的房間. 其實就是盡頭左邊那一間.

After settling down, I went to have dinner with the person I met from the train station (The guy from Mexico) and 2 other girls from the hostel (Vermont and Netherlands). We had Thai food. I was too busy talking to them so I forgot to take pictures of the food! Great experience so far, looking forward for tomorrow!
安頓好之後. 我跟火車上認識的墨西哥和另外兩個女生出去吃晚餐. 今晚吃泰國菜! 忙著聊天都忘了拍食物. 目前布魯塞爾經驗很棒, 期待明天的行程!

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