Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Day 22: Munich, Germany; 慕尼黑, 德國.

Since I got a really bad hangover from last night, I started my day with a nice walking tour.
昨天晚上喝太多了. 今天只好走簡單路線. 還是老樣子. 加入了 walking tour.

This is the main town square.

This is the city hall.

Main square of Munich looks like an amusement park.

This is what we have for lunch: Sausage sandwich.
今天的午餐: 導遊介紹的香腸三明治.

This place has all kinds of sausages.
這間店什麼樣的香腸都有! 還有一堆火腿.

The tour guide said the beer is good. So I am curing my hangover with more beer.
導遊說這啤酒很好喝,  所以建議大家試試看. 我猜我用更多的啤酒來治療我的宿醉.

I got original flavor. (They have spicy, original, cheese). I tried the cheese already.
我選了原味 (他們有: 辣味, 原味, 裡面有起士的). 之前試過起士的所以輪到試原味!

After the sausage sandwich, we went to get giant pretzel. This one has the gold certificate. The city of Munich will evaluate each bakery yearly based on the quality of pretzel they make. You either get a gold standard or no standard. This one has the award.
吃完香腸三明治之後, 我們吃超大的 pretzel. 這間攤位有得金獎. 慕尼黑市每年都會評價每間麵包店 (評他們做 pretzel 的品質). 這間有得獎.

You see beer halls everywhere.

This is one of the 4 major one in the square. (Top pictures).
這些是四間不錯的酒吧. (上面的照片).

We are here to try the Schnapps.

A really small bar with a lot of culture.

The owner is awesome. He is a funny guy, won't stop sining. Yeee leee heee whooo.
老闆很風趣, 一直唱歌.

Cheers! It's really smooth and it can keep you warm.
乾杯! 這杯非常的順, 而且幫我保暖.

This is where I got 2 liters of drink - Hofbrauhaus.

Look at the beer hall upstairs. Based on my tour guide, I think the Nazis had a meeting here. The birthplace of the Nazi party.
這是其中一層樓. 這是之前納粹開會的地方. 納粹起源就在這間酒吧.

Touch the lion's nose and it will bring you good luck!

Overview of Munich from a church tower.

That's the marketplace where I ate lunch.

Look at the mountain.

City hall.

This is Deutsches Museum. We are here to see the lighting show for free. (Free entrance after 4:30).
來博物館看免費的閃電秀! (下午四點半後免門票)

Sunset at Munich.

Finally: dinner. Beer is good for body and soul.

Of course I have to try the beer at this beer hall - Schneider Weisse TAP1 (Wheat beer 5.2%).
當然要試一下他們的招牌啤酒 Schneider Weisse TAP1 (麥酒 5.2%).

This is what I got for dinner! Suckling pig (Served with potato dumpling and coleslaw.
今天的晚餐: 豬, 表皮非常酥. 好好吃.

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