Today I joined a tour to the Palace of Versailles. I went with the same company that hosted the free walking tour but this tour costs 28 Euros (Student ticket, Adult is 30 Euros). The ticket does not include the entrance fee for going into the Palace. You have to pay separately if you wish to visit inside (Another 15 Euros). The tour only covers the garden and the history of the Palace.
今天我參加了凡爾賽宮的團. 這個團是 walking tour 公司舉辦的, 但是不是免費. 每個人需要付 28 或 30 歐元 (28 學生票, 30 成人). 這個費用不包括進入皇宮. 如果想參觀皇宮需要再買一張入場卷 (15 歐元). 今天行程只包括凡爾賽宮凡爾賽宮的花園和歷史.
The fee of the tour includes the round trip of the train ticket. The train ride is around 35 minutes from Paris.
凡爾賽團的費用包括來回火車票. 交通時間大約 35 分鐘.
Each section of the train has different themes of the Palace of Versailles. This is the return train and it is the library of the Palace. My train heading to the Palace is the hall of mirror.
每一節車廂都有凡爾賽宮其中一間房間的特色. 這是回程火車, 這一節車廂是凡爾賽宮的圖書館. 去凡爾賽宮時的火車是凡爾賽的招牌之一 - 鏡廳.
This is the train station of the Versailles.
The weather was not very good today, it's cold and windy. At least it's not raining!
今天天氣還是一樣, 不是很好. 至少沒有下雨!
The entrance of the Palace of Versailles. You can sense the luxury and glory just by standing here.
凡爾賽宮的入口. 站在這裡就可以感覺到凡爾賽宮當時的奢華和當時的榮景.
Can you spot the golden entrance? It's being restored since it's destroyed during the French Revolution.
有看到金黃色的大門嗎? 這個大門其實是重新用舊模製造的. 舊的大門在法國大革命時被銷毀了.
The person on the right is our tour guide, Onno. He loves to take pictures for us. He said he is a good photographer and apparently he is! He took a panoramic picture in less than 5 seconds and he also include himself in the picture!
右邊這個人是今天的導遊, Onno. 他很喜歡幫我們拍照. 他說他是一個不錯的攝影家, 看起來他是說真的. 他用低於五秒的時間幫我拍了一張全景照, 重點是他在這五秒裡也把他自己拍了進來!
Rear view of the Palace of Versailles.
This is the garden, where we start our tour.
這裡就是花園, 也是今天的起點.
There are way too many fountains in the Palace.
Since it's not a busy season. They turn the fountains off. The reason they turn it off is to conserve water.
因為現在是旅行淡季, 所以所有的噴水池都不會噴水. 工作人員把噴水池關掉的原因是因為要節約用水.
This is the most iconic fountain of the Palace of Versailles.
A peaceful garden.
The last destination of our tour is on top of the stairs. Onno told us the best view of the Palace is on the top. We will see if it is true!
樓梯最上面就是今天 tour 最後一站. Onno 告訴我們凡爾賽宮最漂亮的景就在這上面. 我們看看他是不是說真的!
He was right! This is the best view of the Palace. The garden is neatly maintained and it looks really organized.
他是對的! 這是凡爾賽宮最美的景了. 這個花園保養的非常好而且很整齊.
You can also see the Palace.
After saying goodbye to Onno, I walked around the garden again before heading into the Palace.
跟 Onno 說再見之後, 我在外面多晃了一下才進去凡爾賽宮.
We got a little bit of sun for a short period of time.
Overview of the Palace.
Before doing my own tour, I have to eat my lunch. I got this in the Palace - Chicken sandwich and vanilla muffin. There's not much to eat around here (They have a Mickey D's) so maybe packing a sandwich or buying one beforehand is a good idea.
走自己行程之前當然要補充體力. 今天的午餐在凡爾賽宮解決 - 雞肉三明治配香草蛋糕. 凡爾賽宮附近沒有什麼好吃的 (是有麥當當, 但是今天不想吃) 所以來之前先帶/買個三明治可能是明智的選擇.
Imagine the lifestyle here.
An old view of the Palace.
Hall of mirrors!
The king's room.
Queen's room.
After visiting the Palace of Versailles, I took the train back to the city center. I decided to walk around and take some night shots of Paris. This is Notre Dame.
參觀完凡爾賽宮之後, 坐上了火車回到市中心. 我決定拍些巴黎的夜景. 這是聖母院.
Celebrating 850 years!
今年在慶祝聖母院 850 年!
Inside view of the Notre Dame.
我坐在這裡至少 30 分鐘看聖母院漂亮的設計.
I think there's service today.
今天好像有活動. 有聽到小孩在唱聖歌.
Night view of the bridge.
Hotel de Ville.
Centre Pompidou. I did not go in there because I was hungry. Maybe I will check it out tomorrow.
龐畢度藝術中心. 今天沒有進去因為我肚子餓了. 明天有機會再進去看看吧.
Heading to a restaurant that my friend Benny and Fion recommended me to try. It's around 5 stations from where I am at.
坐地鐵到一間傳說中好吃的餐廳. 我的朋友 Benny 和 Fion 介紹的. 從這裡到餐廳大概五站吧.
There it is! The boss/owner (I think?) is funny. I said to him: I'm sorry I don't speak French. He replied: It's okay, I don't know how to speak French as well.
就是這間! 這間老板/店長 (我猜?) 非常的友善. 我跟他說: 對不起, 我不會說法文. 他跟我說: 沒關係, 我也是. 哈哈哈
The boss (I think?) said the kitchen will not be open until 7:30 so I ordered a French beer to see how it tastes.
老闆跟我說 7:30 廚房才會開始接單子. 所以先點杯法國啤酒喝喝看.
After waiting for a while, the boss asked me if I want to eat something. I said sure but I don't know what to order. He told me to try the pork and there it is, a big serving for 2 people. I managed to finish it.
結果等了一陣子之後. 老闆問我要不要吃東西, 莫名其妙的就點了一大盤醃豬肉配麵包 (兩人份, 被我吃光光). 其實蠻好吃的, 拿來當下酒菜剛剛好.
Main course: Calamari with rice and mushroom? It's a little bit spicy but it's really really good! Even the boss went into the kitchen and got a bowl of it.
主菜: 烏賊飯加香菇? 有點辣但是非常非常好吃. 連老板都跑進廚房弄一碗出來吃.
Thank you Benny and Fion for sharing a great place for me to eat!
在這特別感謝 Benny 和 Fion 介紹好吃的地方! 真的好吃!
This is where my hostel is - St. Christopher's Inn. The sign is not really obvious but it's next to Hotel Hor. It's near 2 train stations: Gare du Nord and Gard du I'Est. It's really convenient but the commute time to the city center (By metro) is around 15 minutes.
這裡是我的青旅 - St. Christopher's Inn. 招牌沒有打燈所以沒有很清楚. 但是我的青旅在 Hotel Hor 後面. 這間青旅非常的方便. 他的位置蠻不錯的, 靠近火車北站和東站. 唯一缺點就是離市中心有點遠, 坐捷運需要大概 15 分鐘.
There's the hostel. It's really big so it feels like a hotel.
這就是青旅. 規模大到像是一間飯店一樣.
My room - standard 6 bed room with no shower. The good thing about this hostel is that you have curtains for each bed so you can sleep even if people turn the light on. I sleep in the bottom bunk so I can have a really good rest.
這是我的房間 - 基本六人房. 這間房間沒有附廁所. 這間青旅的好處是每張床都有一個小窗簾, 萬一有人晚回來或是 check-in 就不會打擾到其他人. 我睡下鋪所以可以好好的休息.
This is my messy bed.
Meet Max, he is from Ukraine. He is a professional photographer and this is our portrait. We discussed a lot about photography and music. We even exchanged ideas on how to make the pictures better! Too bad both of us are leaving the hostel tomorrow or I would love to go photo shoot with him! I hope I will see you again soon Max! I will keep taking pictures and improve my skills.
他是 Max, 他來自烏克蘭. 他在烏克蘭是一個職業攝影師. 這是我們的作品. 我們聊了很多, 從攝影到音樂. 我們甚至交流了一下如何照更好的照片! 只可惜我們兩個明天都要離開青旅了, 要不然真想多跟她討教一下. 希望下次可以再見到你! 我會繼續努力練習拍照的.
This is the bar of the hostel.
It has a live band!
I was hanging out with Max at the bar. I saw the cool frog logo beer so I decided to give it a try. Good call because the beer is smooth!
我跟 Max 在青旅的酒吧聊天, 聊到一半發現有青蛙牌啤酒? 感覺有點有趣所以叫杯來喝喝看. 結果很好喝, 很順!
I am changing a hostel tomorrow since I was not able to extend a night. But the hostel will be the same company as the one that I am currently living in. It's really close to where I live now and it's by the canal so it will be pretty. Time to sleep again or I will feel super tired tomorrow. Good night and I hope you enjoyed this blog!
明天要換一間青旅因為明天是滿的. 但是另外一間青旅也是同一間公司而且很近! 那間青旅應該會很漂亮因為在運河旁. 要去睡覺了, 要不然明天又會很累. 晚安! 希望你們享受今天的部落格!
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