Monday, November 11, 2013

Day 28: Berlin, Germany; 柏林, 德國.

Today is not a great day but I guess it's not the worst. At least it turned out fine at the end. 
今天不是最好的一天但是也不是最差的一天. 至少到晚上的時候越來越順利.

There was an accident on the rail so the train was delayed for 1.5 hours (Someone decided to suicide on the track, I heard it from my roommate. He said it happens quite often on this ride). After arrival, I got lost for an hour just to find the hostel. After settling my backpack down and I was on my way to the walking tour, I got fined 40 Euros for buying the wrong ticket. I bought the short-term ticket and I rode 2 stations over, so I missed the walking tour. At the end of the day the hostel forgot to clean my room (They replace a new one to me.) But at the end I am still alive and well.
早上火車有點狀況所以火車誤點了一個半小時. (有人臥軌自殺的樣子? 聽室友說這段路很常發生). 到柏林之後, 找青旅的時候迷路了一段時間, 結果發現公車坐過站. 到青旅把背包安頓好之後前往市中心要參加 walking tour 結果被查票. 發現買錯票了所以被罰 40 歐元 (我買短程票, 只能坐三站, 結果我坐超過兩站). 最後沒跟上 walking tour. 晚上回到青旅之後他們發現忘了整理我的房間, 只好帶我到一間新的. 至少我還活著, 人也安全所以一切就沒那麼慘對吧?

Finally here at Berlin. I didn't take a picture of my bed because the room is a little bit too crowded. Plus we had a full house of 6 people. I slept in the middle bunk.
終於到柏林了. 我沒有拍火車的房間因為六人房有點擠, 但是還是蠻舒適的. 加上房間是滿的. 我睡在中間層.

Overview of the Berlin Main Station.

Lunch for today - falafel.
午餐 - 沙拉三明治.


This is the best falafel I've ever tried. Recommended by people in the hostel
這沙拉三明治真的好吃. 青旅工作人員介紹的.

The metro station. Where I got the most expensive souvenir. A 40 Euros ticket.
柏林的地鐵, 也是我買過最貴的紀念品的地方 - 一張 40 歐元的車票.

This is it. They even let me keep the train ticket.
他們開單之後還還給我車票. 給我當紀念品吧.

Altes Museum.
舊博物館. 裡面有古希臘, 羅馬的珍貴古物.

View from the Altes Museum.

There's nothing much to do on a Sunday in Europe, so I  walked through a flee market is next to the Altes museum.
在歐洲, 星期天都沒有什麼事情可以做. 大部份的店家都休息所以路上蠻冷清的, 只有觀光客. 只好走走舊博物館旁的小市集.

Fernsehturn Berlin.

There's something interesting here.

Inside this alley way.

Anne Frank Zentrum.

I'm not sure what this is. I think I will be here for walking tour tomorrow so I will update this.
我不確定這一區是什麼. 我猜明天 walking tour 會帶我們來. 到時候在 update 一下.

But the building is full of graffiti. 

Berlin Cathedral. Heading up to the dome up there.
柏林大教堂. 等一下要爬到圓頂.

Heading up to the dome and watch the city view.

The church was closed. But I managed to take a picture on my way to the dome.
今天教堂沒有開放, 但是我還是拍到一張教堂的照片. (往圓頂爬時)

Berlin City View.

Everyone is lining up for some sausages. It's too cold to walk without food.
大家都在排隊想要買香腸吃. 今天太冷了所以手上沒有吃的不行.

Sausage with bread! I forgot what it's called.

Brandenburger Tor.
布蘭登堡門. 普魯士王國的凱旋門.

Under den Linden.

Reichstag Deutscher Bundestag.
德國國會大廈. 據說那有個圓塔很有名, 圓頂開放給民眾參觀. 有時間應該去看一下.

This is US Embassy. Now I know where I should go when I need help.
美國大使館. 萬一需要就知道在哪了.

Holocaust memorial.

Part of the Berlin Wall.

You can see it everywhere with cool designs.
柏林牆在市區隨時可以看到. 很多有蠻酷的圖案.

Check point Charlie.
著名的查理哨站. 冷戰時, 哨站管制東德西德的交通進出. 這邊交給美國人管.

This is the Russian side.

Of course, the US side.
當然囉, 另一邊就是美國哨站.

Everyone is taking pictures with the checkpoint.


Obey traffic rules? So there were no traffic rules in East Germany?
另一面是從東德進來. 標語說: 現在要進入美國管制區了, 禁止下班(軍人吧?!)持槍進入. 遵守交通規則?! 所以東德沒有交通規則?


After a long day I just want to sit somewhere and have a beer. I found a Taiwanese restaurant with dumplings. Gosh, I haven't have Taiwanese food for a while now...
經過漫長的一天, 我只想要坐在一個地方吃晚餐, 喝杯啤酒. 結果發現青旅旁有間台灣餐館. 好久沒吃台灣菜了. 進去看看順便捧場吧.

Got dumplings. I didn't care anymore because I was hungry and tired. haha
今天晚餐吃水餃. 其實我完全不在乎吃什麼了因為我又餓又累.

Tomorrow will be a better day.

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