Monday, November 18, 2013

Day 35: Brussels, Belgium; 布魯塞爾, 比利時.

Today is the first official day in Brussels. As usual, I joined the walking tour. The walking tour takes around 3 hours.
今天是我第一天在布魯塞爾. 當然還是得先參加 walking tour 來了解一下這個城市. 今天的 tour 大約三個小時.

Meet the pretty ladies - Manon and Nikki (Manon is from Netherlands and Nikki is from Vermont)! I met them on the day of arrival. We went to eat Thai food last night and walked around the city. We had too much fun at the restaurant! Too bad I only get to hang out with them for 1 day. It's really nice meeting both of you! Hope I will see you again soon!
介紹美女給你們認識 - Manon 和 Nikki (Manon 來自荷蘭, Nikki 來自 Vermont, 美國)! 我剛到青旅時認識他們的. 我們昨晚一起去吃泰國菜. 一起在市區晃晃,餐廳聊天. 可惜的是他們隔天就要出發了. 希望有機會可以再碰到他們!

The walk to the city center is around 10 minutes from the hostel. The tour guide picked us up.
從青旅走路到市中心大約 10 分鐘. 今天享受導遊來接我們的待遇.

View of Grand Place.

Brussels Town Hall.

Masion du Roi.

Old housings around the Grand Place. 

This building used to be a Brewer association and right now it's used for the beer museum. The tour guide told us the museum is really small so it might not be as interesting.
這棟建築以前是釀啤酒協會的總部, 現在是啤酒博物館. 我們的導遊告訴我們博物館蠻小一間的, 沒什麼看頭.

This is the hero of Brussels. They said you will be lucky and return to Brussels if you touch his hand. Of course I did!
他是布魯塞爾的英雄. 據說只要摸他的手, 你就會變的很幸運, 而且可以重返布魯塞爾. 當然囉, 還是得摸一下!

Tintin! You can see comic paintings everywhere. Apparently there's a place for the Smurfs. I will see if I can find it today?
丁丁歷險記! 在布魯塞爾常常可以看到比利時漫畫的壁畫. 據說還有藍色小精靈! 到時候看看找不找的到.

Manneken Pis - also known as the pee pee boy (I gave him the nickname). All of the tourists in Brussels are here to see him pee!
尿尿小童. 我猜所有在布魯塞爾的觀光客都在這裡了吧? 大家都來看尿尿小童如何尿?

He dresses up for special occasions. I don't know what he dresses up as today. Looks like Santa?
尿尿小童常常會有不同的服裝造型. 不知道今天是什麼打扮? 看起來像聖誕老人.

Brussels Stock Exchange.

La Monnaie De Munt.

Half time for the walking tour. Getting the famous drink other than beer - hot chocolate!
中場休息, 來喝布魯塞爾有名的熱巧克力 (啤酒以外的有名飲料).

Look at the chocolate bars.

They put the real chocolate in the drink. No chocolate powder here!
他們是用真的巧克力條來煮熱巧克力. 不是用巧克力粉!

The gallery. It has a lot of small shops and a good chocolate place.
拱廊商場. 裡面很多小商店和一間老巧克力店.

This is the one! I don't think I will get any chocolate today. I've reach my quota today.
就是這間. 但是我已經喝過熱巧克力了所以下次再來拜訪吧.

St. Michael and St. Gadula Cathedral. 

Brussels Park.

Story time under the trees. This is another group of walking tour. I did put effort on listening to the story!
故事時間到. 在美麗的公園聽布魯塞爾的歷史. 這是另外一組 walking tour. 我可是有認真在聽.

Palac de Brussels.

Lunch - Sausage sandwich with fries. One of the traditional food in Belgium is fries! Brussels is heaven for me since there's fries everywhere! When you ask the locals on what's good to eat, they will always say: That place over there has good fries! I just came back from there.
今天的午餐 - 香腸三明治加上薯條. 薯條是比利時傳統食物之一. 比利時根本就是我的天堂, 到處都是薯條! 問當地人該吃什麼他們都會說: 那邊那一間薯條很好吃, 我才剛去吃.

Another must try - Belgian Waffles. This place is right next to the Manneken Pis.
另外一個來布魯塞爾必吃的 - waffle! 這間在尿尿小童旁.

So many different kinds to choose from. Of course the better looking it is the pricier it gets. I heard the most original is the one with no topping?
種類齊全! 當然越豪華越貴! 聽說最傳統的就是完全沒有料的.

Yeah. I have to do this.

After all the fries and waffle, I went to a private point for a good city view. Just kidding, this is a parking structure. Our tour guide told us to visit the parking tower.
酒足飯飽之後, 跑到一個私人景點看布魯塞爾市區. 開玩笑的這是一座停車塔. 導遊介紹的.

The weather is not great in Brussels today.


This is Akinari and Markus (Akinari is from Japan and Markus is from Germany). We were roommates and we went on a walking tour today.
這是 Akinari 和 Markus (Akinari 來自日本, Markus 來自德國). 我們是室友, 今天一起參加 walking tour!

My hostel. Looks like an old factory.
我的青旅. 非常大間, 感覺像是間老工廠.

There's an event at the hostel! A special fair.
今天青旅有特別活動! 一個小市集.

Restaurant for dinner.

This is another tradition Belgium dish - beef stew? with fries included of course.
這是另外一個傳統比利時菜 - 滷牛肉? 加上薯條!

This is the most favorite bar in Brussels - Delirium! It's hidden in an alley way. It's very hard to find it. Took me 1.5 hours to find it.
這應該是布魯塞爾最有名的酒吧了 - 大象酒吧?. 他藏在一條小巷子裡, 不容易找到. 我花了一個半小時就為了找它.

Look at the beer train! I heard they have the most selection! I can't taste everything! Maybe I will bring some people to come with me next time to try more!
他們種類齊全. 我喝不完. 下一次應該帶一些人來一起分.

 I also tried the best beer in the world - Delirium Tremens. The bartender was really nice that I actually got to try a few before ordering!
我也有試全世界最好的啤酒 - Delirium Tremens. 酒保人非常好, 讓我試了很多不同的. 決定了再跟他買.

Here he is!

Dupont Bons Voeux 1 year. Really bitter, not my favorite. 9.5%
這個啤酒是酒保介紹的. 蠻苦的, 不是我的最愛. 9.5%

Delirium Red. Cherry flavored beer. It's very sweet but also pretty strong. 8.5%
櫻桃啤酒. 喝起來非常甜但是酒精濃度不低. 8.5%

Meet Carlos, he is from Mexico. I met him on the train station. We were holding the same piece of paper that the station handed us (It's a timetable on how to get to Brussels). We were on a journey on finding the hostel, to Thai food, and the bar. It's nice meeting you Carlos! I hope I will see you when I visit Mexico.
他是 Carlos, 他來自墨西哥. 我在火車站認識他的. 我們手握同一張車站印的時間表 (如何從阿姆斯特丹轉車到布魯塞爾). 因為這個原因我們就開始聊天了. 在布魯塞爾我們一起在霧裡找青旅, 一起吃泰國菜, 還一起去酒吧. 很榮幸認識你! 希望有一天我可以在墨西哥跟你碰頭!

The Internet in the hostel is so slow. Let's hope the Internet will be faster at the Luxembourg hostel.
布魯塞爾青旅的網路太慢了! 所以花了很多時間在電腦上. 要準備去盧森堡了. 希望網路會比較快.

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