Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Day 29: Berlin, Germany; 柏林, 德國.

I finally went on a walking tour today and I was right on time for it! I saw everything yesterday by myself so there's not many picture for today. Most of the Berlin was destroyed during World War II so every building is "new".
今天終於參加了 walking tour, 而且剛剛好趕上! 其實昨天已經看過所有該看的東西所以這次沒有很多照片. 加上大部份 (80%) 的柏林在二次世界大戰時被炸毀了所以柏林的建築都很 "新".

This is our tour guide, Sam. He is from UK and he's been living here for 3 years. He was getting his PhD in History here in Berlin. 
他是 Sam, 我們的導遊. 他來自英國, 在柏林拿到了歷史博士學位. 

A lot of the tour guides are really young with good degrees. They love their job as a walking tour guide. Plus I feel like this is a pretty good paying job, if you are a really good tour guide (They work for tips only. You can pay them based on the quality of the tour and your budget. Most people pay at least 5 Euros. Some people even pay them 20 Euros). So after all I guess this is not a bad job since all you have to do is talk for a few hours everyday.
很多的導遊學歷都很高. 他們很喜歡導遊的工作. 我猜這是一份不錯的工作, 每天只要講幾個小時的話就可以賺到不錯的薪水 (他們沒有基本薪水, 完全靠遊客的 "小費". 遊客可以依照導遊的品質和預算來給小費). 大部份的人都給至少五歐, 大方的也會給到二十歐. 所以他們薪水應該不錯.

I end up sticking with him for 7 hours for 2 tours. He is a very nice tour guide. His tour is very informative and I learned about the history of the city. I learned the history of Berlin on the first tour and the second one we discussed about the history of the Third Reich.
原本只想參加 walking tour 結果跟了他七個小時走兩個 tour. 他的解說非常的詳細, 第一個 tour 讓我瞭解柏林的歷史背景, 第二個解釋了納粹的歷史和興衰.

French Cathedral. They are preparing for Christmas market.
法國教堂. 這個廣場在準備聖誕市集.

You can see backpackers everywhere. Backpackers are always on the road and exploring. I can't believe my trip is almost over.
路上可以看見許多的背包客. 十月淡季還是有很多人出來玩.

Konzerthaus Berlin.

Another cathedral. The rebuild it because it was damaged during WW II.

Humboldt Universitaet. One of Berlin's oldest university. I believe they offer the first PhD degree and first law school. Many notable people studied, lectured here. (For example: Karl Marx studied here, Albert Einstein taught a few courses here).
柏林洪堡大學. 根據我的導遊, 洪堡大學是世界第一間大學有博士班. 這一棟是他們法律學院, 也是世界第一間. 這一間學校有很多知名的校友例如: 馬克思. 愛因斯坦之前在這裡任教.

Our tour guide received his PhD here. He must be very bright.
我的導遊在這裡拿到博士學位. 他一定很聰明.

The empty bookshelf represents the books that were burned during Nazi era.

Neue Wache.

This is the memorial for the victim of war and tyranny.

It's a really quiet memorial with a statue in it.

This used to be Berlin Wall. You can see the brick lines on the ground which represents the Berlin Wall.
以前的柏林牆, 沿路可以看到地上有鋪磚頭. 磚頭代表以前的柏林牆.

This is the memorial for the politicians who stood up and spoke against Nazi. they were sent to Dachau Camp that I visited.
這個紀念碑紀念之前的政治犯. 他們被送到我之前在慕尼黑參觀的集中營.

Soviet War Memorial for the unknown soldiers.
蘇聯戰爭紀念碑. 用於紀念二戰陣亡的無名將士.

Under den Linden.

There's a really big park next to the Under den Linden. It's used for memorial as well. It has different memorials in the park. It's really quiet and calm. 

This is the memorial for the homosexual victims at concentration camp. You can see there's people looking at the memorial because there's a video showing 2 guys and 2 girls kissing.
這是同性戀紀念碑. 紀念在納粹時期被迫害的同性戀. 你可以看見有人在看這個紀念碑因為裡面有個小螢幕展示一個短片. 短片是兩個男生和兩個女生在親吻.

Reich Chancellery - Office of the chancellor of Germany. This place used to be Hitler's white house and his underground bunker. The bunker was secured with thick walls. We are not able to see it now. It's a simple parking spot now.
這裡以前是希特勒的 "白宮" 加地下碉堡. 他在這裡結束他的生命. 現在這裡是停車場. 

The don't want to keep the remain of the structure. (It was bombed during WW II as well). The reason they are not keeping it is because they don't want to have a place for the extremes to host protests and demonstrations.

Hitler's body was burned at the P-sign.
希特勒的屍體在 P 標示那裡被火化.

This used to be the headquarter of Gestapo. The remains is the interrogation room. Next to the remains of the Gestapo headquarter is the Berlin Wall.
蓋世太保 - 秘密警察以前的總部. 現在看的到的遺址是偵訊室. 遺址旁是柏林牆.

Dinner for tonight - Vietnamese food. I heard this place is really good. Berlin is a really diverse city so there are more options to choose from.
今天的晚餐 - 吃越南菜. 柏林市一個非常多元化的都市. 很多來自不同國家的人. 跟慕尼黑比起來柏林相對開放很多.

Tonight's special - spicy chicken rice.
今日主打 - 辣雞飯.

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